Thursday, November 14, 2013

Firefighters - Gender Doesn't Matter

This post is a little different than my regular posts. This one isn't about me.

WHO TV13 is running a segment entitled, "Trial by Fire." It features newscasters Erin Kiernan and Sonya Heitshusen and their experience taking the CPAT. So I thought I would pay attention to it and give you readers an opportunity to watch the segments.

The series is particularly about female firefighters. Their history, struggles, and the debate about separate testing requirements based on gender. After the links, I'll tell you what I think.

Erin and Sonya take the firefighters test

Firefighter Workout

CPAT Gender Debate

Here is my honest opinion, please feel free to debate the issue. I do NOT think that firefighters should take a different physical capabilities test based on gender. A fire does not care if you are a man or a woman. It will kill you either way. Fire hoses, SCBA, axes, halligans, pike polls, PPE, and any other tool you are going to use in the process is heavy. Regardless of your gender, if you can't lift it, pull it, or push it then you should find a different way to be involved in fire safety.

This is not to say that I think women don't make great firefighters. They do. In fact as a recruit I am nothing compared to several of the women on the department who have been doing this job and doing it well. I have a lot to learn from them. Not as a woman who fights fire, but as firefighters.

Do you agree with me? Do you think I'm wrong and women should have a different CPAT test? I encourage you to take their poll.

WHO TV13 Debate Poll

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